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******************لایسنس فعال نشده است****************** ISO 10004 - Rose Calibration Company

ISO 10004

ISO 10004 (ISO Customer Satisfaction Standard)


Benefits of obtaining ISO 10004 certification

  • Attention to customer satisfaction as the most important factor
  • Creating a competitive advantage in retaining and developing customers
  • Receive a valid international certificate with a registration code
  • Create a sense of confidence in customers
  • Generate more sales to strengthen the brand
  • Creating a dynamic, customer-oriented and transcendent environment


What is the ISO 10004 standard?

In order to obtain ISO 10004 (receive ISO 10004 – issue ISO 10004), the RoseCal Consulting is ready to provide services to companies and organizations. ISO 10004 is an international standard for achieving customer satisfaction with the services and products of organizations and companies, and the application of this standard through the classification of customer needs, moves the company towards customer orientation and customer satisfaction.


 Importance of ISO 10004 standard

Industries and businesses with the highest investments will be doomed to failure if they do not pay attention to customer satisfaction (ISO 10004). Moving without considering customers ‘opinions about companies’ products or services will be moving in the dark without planning and clear vision. The highest level of quality control of products and services is when the customer uses a product or service of a set, the ISO 10004 standard helps companies and organizations to achieve customer satisfaction.


 Impact of the ISO 10004 standard with an example

A very important issue and the importance of using ISO 10004 is that only 4% of customers raise the issue in case of dissatisfaction and the remaining 96% leave the organization without a complaint, and the same silent complainants based on research conducted with the other 10 potential customers talk about the weakness of your products and services. For example, if we have 20 complaints, it means that there are 480 dissatisfied people, and this dissatisfied 500 people will talk to another 5,000 people about the weakness of our products and services, which will greatly damage the situation of companies. Without anything out of the ordinary, it is the job of ISO 10004 and ISO 10002 to prevent this from happening .


 Scope of application of ISO 10004 standard

Businesses, including companies, organizations and guilds, when they receive ISO 10004 certification, send a message to customers that customer feedback and satisfaction are important to them. This standard, along with ISO 10002, is specialized. Focus on the customer. It is recommended to adopt basic standards such as ISO 9001 or integrated management system before adopting these standards.


Customer Satisfaction-ISO-10004

ISO 10004 provides principles in defining and implementing processes in controlling and measuring customer satisfaction and is applied regardless of the size, type or product offered by the organization. ISO 10004 pays attention to customers outside the organization and therefore we need a standard to review to reduce these complaints and increase customer satisfaction. ISO 10004 standard is used for all institutions, companies, guilds, organizations, both commercial and non-commercial, and even in e-commerce that seek the satisfaction of their customers and provides more attention to customers as the organization grows.


Obtaining ISO 10004 – Issuing ISO 10004 – Receiving ISO 10004

To obtain ISO 10004 (Receive ISO 10004 – Issue ISO 10004) you can apply through the RoseCal Consulting. RoseCal Consulting is the top center for obtaining ISO 10004 (receiving ISO 10004 – issuing ISO 10004) in the country with the official license of the Industry, Mining and Trade Organization.


To obtain ISO 10004 (Receive ISO 10004 – Issue ISO 10004) Apply via the certificate application link on this page. You can also apply for ISO 10004 (Receive ISO 10004 – Issue ISO 10004) to register your application quickly through this link.
