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******************لایسنس فعال نشده است****************** ISO HACCP - Rose Calibration Company


HACCP standard (food safety and health management system)


Benefits of HACCP Certification

  • Ensure the health of products and food
  • Globalization and creating a competitive advantage in exports
  • Receive a valid international certificate with a registration code
  • Create a sense of confidence in customers
  • Generate more sales to strengthen the brand
  • Create and improve an efficient management system


What is the HACCP standard?

In order to obtain HACCP (receiving HACCP ISO – ISO HACCP issuance), the RoseCal Consulting is ready to provide services to companies and organizations.

The HACCP standard sets out the principles of risk analysis and crisis control in the food industry. It is also part of the software process developed by the Codex Food Committee, a subset of the World Health Organization (WHO). In addition, ISO 22000 combines the HACCP system with Prerequisite Programs (PRPs). In other words, the HACCP standard can be defined as a subset of the food quality management standard ISO 22000.


Food Production Risk Analysis in HACCP

Risk analysis through the application of the HACCP standard is the key to entering the food safety management system. Risk analysis helps companies to acquire and regulate the knowledge needed to establish and implement effective risk control.

In the HACCP standard, any hazards that are reasonably likely to occur in the food chain must be identified and assessed, such as hazards that may be related to the type of process and equipment used. Therefore, the food safety standard sets out criteria for identifying and recording why a company needs to control certain risks and other companies do not.


Scope of HACCP application in food industry

All organizations, companies and centers involved in the production or preparation of food products, such as food factories, slaughterhouses, restaurants, etc., must implement the HACCP standard.


The importance of HACCP in Iran

In Iran, attention to the HACCP standard has become so serious that only slaughterhouses that are allowed to export products can receive the IR code. To receive the IR code, the requirements of this system must be implemented, then audited and reviewed by experts.

The dairy industry is also being monitored by the relevant organizations for the production of D-rich milk to determine whether the company has complied with the HACCP system, and only companies that have implemented a risk assessment of food production will receive approval.


Food industry standard HACCP

Examples of food security risks and application of the HACCP standard:

  • Diseases or insects
  • Pollution, pesticides, terrorist chemical pollution (bioterrorism)
  • Misuse or undesirable preparation
  • Unsanitary situations
  • Bad label or bad storage
  • Transportation (not an inherent risk, but the more food is sent over long distances, the greater the risk)
  • Development of HACCP standard program

Developing and pursuing the HACCP standard program creates a good sense of business, and many governments now require that all companies in the food chain, from manufacturers to retailers and even equipment manufacturers, have their own plans.


Obtain HACCP – Issue HACCP – Receive HACCP

You can apply for HACCP (HACCP – HACCP Issue) through the RoseCal Consulting. RoseCal Consulting is the top center for obtaining HACCP (receiving HACCP – HACCP issuance) in the country with the official license of the Industry, Mining and Trade Organization.

Apply for HACCP (HACCP – HACCP Issuance) via the Certificate Request link on this page. You can also apply for HACCP (HACCP – HACCP Issuance) via this link quickly.
