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******************لایسنس فعال نشده است****************** ISO 14001 - Rose Calibration Company

ISO 14001

What is the ISO 14001 standard?

In order to obtain ISO 14001 (receive ISO 14001 – ISO 14001 issuance), RoseCal Consulting Company is ready to provide services to companies and organizations. ISO 14001 is a standard that helps organizations with their guidelines and guidelines to prevent damage to the surrounding environment and eliminate or minimize the damage.


What is Environmental Management?

Managing your organization on the environment should be a top priority for your business, regardless of the industry in which you work. An environmental management system is a framework for creating policies and process changes that help you improve environmental performance. In addition to being better for the environment, achieving ISO 14001 certification can also give you more control over costs and more. ISO 14001 certification gives you the credibility to use it to grow your business in an environmentally friendly and economical way.


History and latest version of ISO 14001 standard

The International Organization for Standardization (IOEA) took the first step in writing a global EMS environmental management standard in 1993 with the formation of the Technical Committee under the Canadian Presidency, and in 1996 published the first edition of this standard entitled ISO 14001.

In 2004, the ISO 14001 standard was revised, and version 2004: ISO 14001 was made available to organizations for implementation.

International Standard ISO 14001 Version 2015 is the third edition of the ISO 14001 standard series. This version is a continuation of the 2004 version and was edited with the aim of improving it and then published by ISO. Version 2015 This standard, which is expressed as ISO 14001: 2015, also includes the technical amendment of ISO 14001: 2004 / COR.1: 2009.


Changing industry perspectives and stakeholder needs

The industry landscape is always changing. The introduction of the latest version of ISO 14001 in 2015 brought significant changes that will have a lasting impact on the compliance requirements of jobs in all sizes and industries. These changes affect the needs of your stakeholders and require the development of your management system. Considerations include changing regulatory needs, evolving stakeholder requirements, and complying with the law.


Necessity of implementing ISO 14001 standard version 2015

By obtaining ISO 14001 certification, you can prove to your stakeholders, customers and employees that you are aware of your environmental commitments and are looking to reduce your environmental impact. It is very important to identify environmental hazards. Because it creates significant challenges for jobs. Organizations and companies are responsible for their environment such as air, water, soil, natural resources, plants, animals and humans. The production of products or services must be designed and done in a way that does not harm the environment around us. The growth of industries and industrialization of cities has led to the use of natural resources such as oil, gas, water and water, so reducing natural resources and environmental pollution are the negative effects of industrialization of communities, ISO International Organization by developing ISO 14001 standard tried To reduce the negative effects of industrialization of societies.


Scope of application of ISO 14001 standard

ISO 14001 applies to any organization wishing to apply the following:

  1. A) Implementation, maintenance and improvement of an environmental management system
  2. B) Ensuring compliance with the environmental policy set by itself
  3. C) Prove this compliance to others
  4. D) Application for certification / registration of its environmental management system by an external organization (CB)
  5. E) Determining compliance with this standard and stating it by the organization itself

All requirements of ISO 14001 are considered in order to be included in any environmental management system. The scope of its application depends on factors such as the environmental policy of the organization, the nature of its activities and the conditions in which it operates.


ISO 14001 is part of IMS

RoseCal Consulting Company, with its experienced team and questionable records, is ready to consult and issue the ISO 14001 standard certification, 2015 version, at the most appropriate cost and time. Organizations can receive the latest version of the global standards of ISO 9001 version 2015 and OHSAS 18001 version 2007 by receiving the set of certificates of IMS integrated management system while receiving ISO 14001 version 2015, and also save on consulting and issuance costs.


What is the difference between RoseCal Co. services and quality with other companies?

We have a long history of obtaining a valid ISO with the highest degree of accreditation and helping other SMEs to improve their jobs. We take pride in getting to know our customers and therefore understanding how important it is to gain their trust, accessibility and excellent service. Valuable customers like you help us create superior services.
